Environmental Public Health Officer

The Environmental Public Health Officer (EPHO):

  • Works in partnership with First Nations communities to identify and prevent environmental public health risks in First Nations communities that could impact the health of community members.
  • Where public health risks are identified, recommendations are provided to reduce these risks. Community training, education, and awareness increase community capacity to achieve a healthy and safe environment.

Areas of Responsibility:

A healthy environment includes safe water and food supplies, properly designed, constructed and maintained housing and community facilities, and suitable treatment and disposal of wastewater and solid waste.

EPHO services include both routine services and those that are provided upon the request of Member First Nation Program Staff:

  • Drinking water safety
  • Healthy housing
  • Food safety
  • Wastewater
  • Solid waste disposal
  • Routine and requested public facilities inspections
  • Communicable disease control
  • Environmental contaminants

The Environmental Public Health Officer provides services to all STC Member First Nations.


STC Environmental Public Health Officer

Amy-Jill Gray


Phone: 306-956-6111

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