Indigenous Skills and Employment Training Strategy (ISETS)
Through an agreement with the Saskatchewan Indian Training Assessment Group (SITAG), which receives its funding from the Indigenous Skills and Employment Training Strategy (ISETS), the Saskatoon Tribal Council delivers the program through the Employment Training Services (ETS) department. The Labour Force Development (LFD) Program staff provides skills training and labour market programs and services within this funding agreement.
ISETS is designed to assist Indigenous people to prepare for and find high-demand jobs quickly and keep them in the long term. Under this strategy, we can design and deliver employment programs and services best suited to the unique needs of our clients, based on labour market trends.
ISETS focuses on three priorities:
Supporting demand-driven skills development;
Fostering partnerships with the private sector and the provinces and territories; and
Emphasizing accountability and results.
ETS Advisory Committee
The ETS Advisory Committee supports the efforts and successes of the LFD program. The Advisory Committee is the governing body to ensure that ETS LFD complies with the ISETS Agreement and accomplishes the LFD goals and objectives. LFD Advisory Committee members are appointed representatives from each of the seven-member STC First Nations.