Stay in interior rooms away from windows and doors
For severe hazards, stay on the main floor or basement
Hazardous Materials Spill Shelter-in-Place
Go inside and stay inside
Close and lock all exterior doors and windows, seal gaps with plastics, tape, or damp cloth
Close blinds/curtains
Stay in interior rooms away from windows and doors
Shut off your air exchange system
Always check local authority social media and websites for updates.
Local news may provide additional information.
Follow all directions provided by SaskAlert or other Emergency Notification Services.
Power Outage
Always check to make sure the outage isn’t limited to just your home.
Many power outages are short lived and will be restored in a few minutes. If power is not restored in a few minutes, be sure to report the outage at or call 310-2220.
In the summer:
Food can stay cold for as long as 48 hours if you don’t open the fridge or freezer
Keep curtains drawn to avoid extra heat in your home
Open windows and doors if there is a strong breeze
In the winter:
Avoid using open flame as a heating source
Keep food cold by placing it in a locked cooler or bin outside
Keep the home warm by keeping curtains drawn and doors closed
Bring everyone into the same room to share heat
Keep an eye on social media and websites for the locations of warming centers