Lisa is quick to give credit to the Saskatoon Tribal Council‘s Emergency Wellness Center for helping her break a lifetime of addiction.
“I have been clean and sober for 3 years and if I didn’t I would be dead, my life was heading that way,” Lisa confessed.
“I didn’t even know about the EWC until my mom found it on the internet. There was a personal experience about this place about a man’s son who was here and has been clean and sober ever since he left here,” Lisa explained.
Lisa has called the EWC home for the last 2 and a half years.
“They put me in detox where I spent a month and a half which made a big difference,” Lisa said. “I go to meetings every day offered by the staff at the EWC, my children come as well.”
Lisa says the future is bright as she plans to continue pursuing a dream.
“I want to go back to school and finish my degree in journalism at the University of Regina,” Lisa added. “If I didn’t have this place I don’t know where I would be, I would be on the streets or in jail.”
Lisa continues to give back as she speaks at Narcotics Anonymous meetings discussing her journey to a sober life and how to stay clean.
“I struggled and struggled to really stay clean and this is the first time I have been able to stay sober,” Lisa says with pride.