Statement from Tribal Chief Mark Arcand Regarding Today’s Papal Apology
“Today is a historic day for all Indigenous People across Turtle Island. We want to thank the Survivors who speak and continue to speak their truth. The Survivors have had the courage and strength to tell their stories to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). This is how the TRC’s 94 Calls action came about – by speaking their truth and telling their stories. We recognize the retraumatization of Residential School Survivors and the discovery of unmarked graves across Turtle Island. We welcome and support today’s apology from Pope Francis to Residential School Survivors and their families as a positive step in the right direction towards reconciliation. We continue to support Residential School Survivors in healing from the negative impacts of Residential Schools so they can have a quality of life. We look forward to the Pope’s visit to Canada in July as he promised to fulfill the TRC Calls Action #58. We thank the Survivors for their courage and honesty in making this happen for the benefit of their families and communities. Thank you.”